Wednesday, March 15, 2017



I have GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Resolving my GERD issues is why I got into GAPS in the first place... even though so many other things have improved since starting. I started taking HCL (Betaine Hydrochloride)/pepsin capsules, one with each meal. (So many acronyms! But that's why we're in Acronymlandia.) I have low stomach acid and this not only prevents me from absorbing nutrients, it's the reason I have GERD (see below). The symptoms have actually improved somewhat since starting the GAPS diet but it's still there - I don't think it's going to go away until I actually supplement with HCL. I started both this and cod liver oil (1 teaspoon once a day), starting slowly since both have given me bathroom issues in the past. So far so good, so I will start increasing the dosage every few days and see how it goes. Fingers crossed!


I threw today's lunch together - had no protein prepared so it was egg and tomato soup with a side container of pate, cucumber chips, sauerkraut, and the other half of the smoked salmon I bought over the weekend (ugh I should have taken a picture - I finally had something that looked nice!). Threw a couple of the GAPS pancakes in there and called it a day. Turned out to be way to much food, but that gave me a nice little snack in the afternoon.

Dinner was tuna fish (Italian tuna in olive oil) with homemade mayo. I didn't have any onions, and you can't use onion powder on GAPS, so I tossed in some sauerkraut. Figured it would be kind of like dill pickles. Turned out delish! Had that on some of my savory GAPS pancakes with some raw apple and a quick soup (chicken broth with mushroom mirepoix) and it was a night. Of course, there was a slice of chocolate cake afterwards woop!

Today's Article

Is about GERD; what it is, what causes it, how to fix it, and it's probably not what you think. Heartburn/GERD isn't caused by too much stomach acid but too little, and Chris goes into the why's and wherefores in this series of articles. If you suffer from GERD you need to read this.

What Everybody Ought To Know (But Doesn’t) About Heartburn & GERD (Chris Kresser)

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