Monday, March 20, 2017

GAPS Day 22: Two steps forward, one step back

Ugh, I bathroom issue again this morning. I'm pretty sure it was because I upped my cod liver oil and HCL dose last night; 1 tablespoon up from 1 teaspoon of CLO and 2 capsules of HCL instead of 1. I need to take it back down again I guess.  :(   I'll try to increase the doses again next week. Maybe one at a time instead of both would be good Suzanne!

My meals were kind of screwed up; ran into a friend at work who was all "Hey, let's do lunch!" but I don't do lunch now. Since starting GAPS I've eaten "breakfast" (generally soup) at 10:30 am, when I start feeling hungry, then a snack around 3:00 or 4:00. Since normal people eat lunch at lunch time I shifted around my meals so I had my snack at 10:00 am and lunch at 1:30 pm. Lunch was shredded crockpot beef with a side of butternut squash with some ghee in it. "Breakfast" was cucumber chips with pate "dip" (my liver pate mashed with homemade mayo). For dinner I had a GAPS burrito; I stopped and got some chips and salsa from my favorite Mexican restaurant and put the salsa on the crockpot beef with some cumin and avocado (G got the chips; he was a happy camper.)

I also had some GAPS treats! My package from Liberty Specialty Foods came in today and I kind of pigged out. I have no regrets, either. This is my treat for being soooo good, a reward for surviving being surrounded by illegal foods all month. It's also REALLY EXPENSIVE - $17 for 3 waffles, the same for 6 donuts, and $10 for a small box of almond flour crackers - but everything is amazingly delicious! Definitely worth it as a treat. I'll do some reviews tomorrow.

Today's Article:

You Are What Your Bacteria Eat: The Importance of Feeding Your Microbiome (Chris Kresser)

The microbiome - all the bacteria that live in and on you, mostly in your gut - is the new frontier of science. They've found that changes in gut bacteria not only affect your digestion and stomach issues, but everything from weight to mental issues. If you need the GAPS diet you have problems with your gut, but our guts affect so much more than just digestion.

"[H]umans are just elaborate vessels for the propagation of microorganisms."

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