Saturday, March 18, 2017

GAPS Day 20: First *day* out!

And I refrained from popcorn... but I get ahead of myself!

I spent a large part of the next day with F, pretty much just chilling and chatting. Breakfast was a "burrito" made with leftover kale/beef saute with cumin, lemon, and the one ripe avocado I could find at the store, all under an omelet "wrapper" with more apple (I had grapefruit for snacks).

There may have also been some amazing coffee, my first since starting GAPS. F is a coffee aficionado and makes some of the best coffee I've ever drunk in my life... AND he has water processed decaf! So I made some bulletproof coffee (coffee blended with coconut oil or unsalted butter to make the most delicious creamy, frothy drink) and some honey. Such a treat!

We left his place at 5:30, me so I could meet G at 6:30 to see Logan (OMFG AMAZING MOVIE!!!) and F so he could go to Trader Joe's, which he's been putting off because he's so miserable all he wants to do is stay home. So this was good for him, helping him go out. G, of course, got a container of popcorn. He asked if I minded and I honestly didn't really, although I did sit away from him while he was chowing down. He got us some seltzer (two giant movie theater sized seltzers, one for each of us WHYYY?) We got home around 11:00 so I didn't eat anything else that day since I didn't want to go to sleep with food in my stomach.

I think the reason the popcorn really didn't bother me was because my tastes and desires are changing. Crap SAD food doesn't lure me as much as it used to. It's not perfect - I still want it - but the urge isn't as strong. I also made sure to have some food in my belly before leaving F's place; I boiled a couple of eggs and had them with fruit right before leaving.

All in all it was a good experience, but I'm glad to be home again, if for nothing else than because I have all my GAPS legal foods at my fingertips. Also, I am a homebody. I love my home.  :)

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