Tuesday, March 7, 2017

GAPS Day 9: Joining the human race?

Woke up with what seemed to be some slight pain in my ankles (due to the inulin from yesterday?) Mood ok, nothing spectacular but still calm and upbeat.

One thing that's amazed me about this little experiment is the psychological effect it's had. I'd experienced a lifting of the brain fog while doing Paleo, but this is something exponentially different, almost personality changing. For one thing, I've been feeling truly happy. I didn't realize how not happy I was until I started feeling this feeling of calm positivity and good humor over the weekend. There was also a lessening of a general feeling of anxiety that I'd never really been aware of - I always considered myself a bit high strung but I'm coming to think that it's actually anxiety.

I also had moments of really, truly enjoying being with others. This is another thing I was never really aware of; I always knew that I felt stressed by being with most people (with the exception of close family members, G, F, and another close friend, K). Even with people I really liked, I found myself quickly exhausted from spending time with them. Of course parties are an absolute nightmare! But I've been having flashes of actually wanting to move toward people. I never realized that I have a pronounced avoidant streak; I think I may be on the autism/Aspergers spectrum. If that's truly the case, then this diet would of course help.

It's been an amazing, eye-opening experience and it's only been a week!

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