Tuesday, March 21, 2017

GAPS Day 23: Liberty Specialty Foods

Sooooo... I bit the bullet and bought some things from Liberty Specialty Foods. Was it worth it? Well, let's see. But first, what I ate today!

"Breakfast" was curry beef soup; crockpot shredded beef (literally, just put a piece of meat on top of some sliced onions and a 1/4 cups of stock and you will have some meaty deliciousness with almost no work), cauliflower, some spinach with curry spices (cumin, coriander, turmeric). Fruit on the side.

I had a little snack after my walk; didn't bring it in, I just got some fixings from the company salad bar: cucumbers, broccoli, beets, chicken, and half a hard boiled egg with olive oil and lemon juice on top.

Dinner was egg burrito with shredded beef, salsa, and guac. I kind of overdid it; I kept making too little so this time I made way to much. I also had half a grapefruit and a small apple.

My night snack was two of the LSF donuts.

Review: Liberty Specialty Foods

I found Liberty Specialty Foods on my search for SCD/GAPS convenience foods. GAPS is inconvenient to say the least, and it would be nice to find some things that I don't have to make at home. LSF isn't just convenience food, though. It's legitimately gourmet. It's also pretty pricy. I decided to bite the bullet and give them a try.

Waffles (3 waffles for $16.99. Yeah, I know.) These are Belgian style waffles and OMG, they have amazing texture! And taste delicious! They pretty much taste (and feel) like the "real thing". The only thing is that they don't crisp up in the toaster, but otherwise, these just taste like delicious waffles. I just had mine with honey but I bet they'd be AMAZING with strawberries and whipped cream!

Donuts (6 for $16.99) I wasn't thrilled with these at first - they're like a very dense apple cider donut. They're made from coconut flour so they have that denseness that coconut flour products have, but by the time I'd finished one I was ready for another. I could only finish half of the second one, though. Very filling. But darn tasty! And they don't taste like honey (which is the case with my baked treats), but like donut. I really enjoyed these.

Herb Crackers (4.5 oz for $9.99) While these were probably my least favorite of the three items, I still really enjoyed them. I try to avoid dairy so these were just about the only savory items they have. They're not really crisp, more like pie crust, which is unavoidable since they're made from almond flour, but they have a really nice rosemary taste. My only problem is that they are very delicate and break very easily.

All in all, I would buy these again... as a treat. They're definitely too pricey for every day use, but that's probably for the best. They make a nice treat. And since I'm not spending any money eating out nowadays I think I can afford a couple of these a month. Next month I want to try the pizza crust!

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